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Project & Development Update #1

December 24, 2021

Good morning, pilots. Happy holidays to all those who celebrate, make sure to enjoy this time relaxing with your loved ones and enjoying a nice break from the craziness we've all been through this past year. The team will be off till Sunday for the holidays, but we thought you all would enjoy a summarized project status report.

🔹 Progress

At the moment, the following are 100% completed:

  • NFT Token Contracts
  • Optimized & Gas Efficient Sale Contract
  • All Gameplay Contracts (Meaning you could play the game right now, technically through contracts, if we allowed it.)
  • The L1 <=> L2 tunnel system that allows for inexpensive L2 gameplay while retaining native L1 tradability. Meaning L2 will be available upon launch.
  • Ship Art + Skin Designs (10+ Unique Designs for each Ship Hull, 180+ Unique Skin Applications of Said Designs)
  • Part of the Governance System, specifically Governor & Timelock
  • Provably Fair Off-Chain Randoms
  • Flash Bots Prevention Solutions
  • Scheduled Contract Audits w/ Reputable Community Developers

🔹 Ongoing Focuses

Here is what we're working on currently and focused on building:

  • Completing Governance + Onchain DAO system. (We're weighing a few different options for vote assignment: assigning votes directly based on (checkpointed) ship ownership, and offering a separate governance token that can be claimed once per ship. The former leads to a more integrated system, but the latter allows lower gas fees on mint and separate trading of governance tokens.)
  • Game Interface (~50% Finished)
  • Further Gameplay Balancing
  • Further Tokenomics + Economy Balancing (We've established the majority of our plans and set a fair balance, so we're currently building models and experimenting with a few close advisors to fine-tune details, and will expand these to others as well shortly with experience in tokenomics and economy for their input.)
  • Citadel Lore (We're talking with a team at the moment who has previously written the stories and lore for several AAA game titles to collaborate and work on Citadel with us.)
  • Finalizing the Coordinate Player Tracking Map + Implementing Map Scaling Techniques
  • Soft Whitepaper V2 Update (New Gameplay Mechanics, In-Depth Detail on others, and more)
  • Technical Whitepaper V1 (Tokenomics, Game Economy, Vulnerability Prevention, L1 <=> L2, and more)

Before signing off, we'd like to answer some of the most popular questions we've been getting.

Wen mint/launch?

With all of this in mind, we're expecting a launch date in early January. We have zero interest in rushing this project and stringing the community along in attempts for a quick mint through pseudo hype, we're not taking any shortcuts.

More Project Marketing?

We'll heavily ramp up marketing the closer we get to launch and the further along we get in project development.

Team + Project AMA?

Absolutely, we'll look to schedule a date for this to take place after the release of our Soft Whitepaper V2 & Technical Whitepaper.

More Development + Project Updates?

Yes, we'll be posting more detailed development updates and new information about the game consistently after the holidays now that we've reached a great threshold for the project.