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Project & Development Update #2

January 6, 2022

Good afternoon, pilots. Our growth over the last 24 hours since the official whitepaper dropped has been nothing but amazing, and we're extremely appreciative for all of you who've joined in supporting this project and its ideas.

To recap:

  • 2,000+ New Discord Members
  • 1,000+ Twitter Followers

With that said, it seems like an optimal time for the next internal project update. This will be a follow-up for Project & Development Update #1, covering our progress since then and explaining what we're working on currently.

Formatting Differences

Hey guys, it's The Architect, coming to you straight from the future. I'm here to let you know that in some of these older announcements, we listed completed items using the same text as when they were originally announced. Despite the wording, everything listed in the progress section was completed at the time this update was written.

🔹 Progress

  • Completing Governance + Onchain DAO system. (We're weighing a few different options for vote assignment: assigning votes directly based on (checkpointed) ship ownership, and offering a separate governance token that can be claimed once per ship. The former leads to a more integrated system, but the latter allows lower gas fees on mint and separate trading of governance tokens.)
  • Finalization for the coordinate player tracking map + pap scaling techniques
  • Soft Whitepaper V2 Update (New gameplay mechanics, details on others, and more)
  • Further Gameplay Balancing
  • Further Tokenomics + Economy Balancing (We've established the majority of our plans and set a fair balance, so we're currently building models and experimenting with a few close advisors to fine-tune details, and will expand these to others as well shortly with experience in tokenomics and economy for their input.)

Behind the scenes

  • Improvements to the Upgrade Bay contract
  • Gas reduction for ship reveals through better struct packing
  • Pull-payment ore banking system for miners and marauders
  • DAO-owned payment splitter for automatic royalty distribution
  • Additional outcomes for "return to The Citadel" claim option
  • Additional precision for all continuous ship traits, all random selection probabilities

🔹 Ongoing Focuses

  • Game Interface (~65% Finished)
  • Citadel Lore (We're talking with a team at the moment who has previously written the stories and lore for several AAA game titles to collaborate and work on Citadel with us.)
  • Technical Whitepaper V1 (Tokenomics, Game Economy, Vulnerability Prevention, L1 <=> L2, and more)
  • Final Contract Updates

As it stands, we're proud to announce that all of the contracts are complete and in the process of being finalized on our end, in preparation for audits.

As our behind the scenes list implies, this finalization boils down to things like adding additional events for health checks, optimizing writes & gas usage where possible, adjusting systems to allow for better UX from the frontend, and playing the game ourselves from Mumbai & Goerli.

So far, the process is going extremely smoothly, and we can't wait to share the source for all contracts with everyone once they're final.
